Monday, 10 September 2012

6 MOney Saving Ways to Have Healthy Glowing Skin

A healthy glowing skin is what every woman wants and strives to have. That is why cosmetics is such a giant industry. Women all over the world spend thousands on cosmetics. But maintaining a healthy youthful glow, and slowing the skin's natural aging can be done without spending much. Here are 5 cost effective tips to have a healthy glowing skin.
  1. Eat Healthy. You are what you eat. If you eat healthy, you'll be healthy, and so will your skin be. Fruits and vegetables and loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that are needed to maintain and repair damaged skin cells. Berries are loaded with antioxidants to help keep the skin healthy and young looking. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C which aids in producing collagen to fight off wrinkles and maintain the skin's elasticity. Drinking a lot of water also keeps the skin moisturized and hydrated throughout the day. Junkfoods aren't called junk for no reason; junk it!

  2. Stay Away from the Sun. Not only that it causes cancer, it also speeds up skin aging. Harmful UV rays damage skin cells and cause premature wrinkles. Its best to stay indoors from 10am to 2pm when the sun's rays are at its strongest. If you are going outdoors, never to forget to slather a broad spectrum sunblock with at least SPF15 to sun exposed areas. Wearing protective clothing such as long sleeves and wide brimmed hats is also helpful.

  3. Never Smoke. Smoking is linked to premature skin aging and wrinkles. Studies also suggest that tobacco smoke decreases the blood flow in the blood vessels which eventually damages the connective tissues that help maintain a healthy skin.

  4. Avoid Alcohol. It is not only your waistline you need to worry when drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol dehydrates the body which also affects the skin- the largest organ in the body. Notice that your face reddens as you consume more and more alcohol? Alcohol dilates small blood vessels in the skin so you appear to be a shade redder than usual.

  5. Maintain a Skin Care Routine. The most basic skin care routine is cleanse, tone, and moisturize. Removing make- up before going to bed is a must if you want to have healthy skin. Make up and dirt clogs pores and breeds bacteria, making your skin prone to pimples. Choose a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type. Toners strip off the layer of dead skin cells revealing a healthier looking skin. Moisturizers may help strengthen or replenish the skin's natural moisture after being exposed to different elements.

  6. Be Happy. A youthful face begins and ends with a smile. Smile always:D

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