If you cant get someone out of your head, maybe they are supposed to be there. Or maybe you are just paranoid. Go see a psychiatrist. Seriously, go out. Out of the house. Out of your box. Out wherever out is. Venture in to the wild. Experience the beauty of life. Get off of the computer and stop visiting your ex's facebook page. In three words, get a life! A real life.
The best kind of relationship is, there is no best kind of relationship. Because every relationship is different. The perfect kind of relationship you see in movies where in the end the male lead declares his everlasting love for his lady and saying sorry for cheating on her with her bestfriend- he'll never do it again because he realized that she is his one and only true love, cross his heart hope to die- is a showbiz conspiracy to get your money. A sorry and a smile can certainly not make everything back to normal again. That's why there is divorce and annulment.
Women are just weird creatures. Sometimes we nag and do all the talking and then sometimes we fall silent and leave our partners to figure out what's wrong. But I've learned that in order to build a relationship, I must tell specifically what I want, what I don't and what I expect. This makes sure that no issues are swept under the rug and we move forward together without the baggage of unresolved conflicts. Unless your partner is scientifically proven to be able to read minds, then communicating (yes communicating, like the adult kind of talk) what you feel is the best way to know someone what is wrong.
Did I say stupid love quotes? Yes, being stubborn and holding on to something you know will not work out is stupidity. You can fight for anything if you really want, but first figure out if the thing you are fighting for is really worth the effort. The fear of regret is for the fearful cowards. Be brave, let go. Move forward, to infinity and beyond!